Is there a logical conclusion that there is only one god?
-By Aaron Moss
The definition of God is: "a Being without definition." God cannot be defined, because if I define Him then I limit Him. And something limited is not God. By defining something, I give it borders. If for example I define an apple as a sweet, round fruit that is green or red, then when I find a long purple fruit, I know that it can't be an apple. An apple is limited to being round and red or green. That is its definition. God can't be defined, because by defining Him you are saying that there's something He can't be; but this could not be true, because God is unlimited.
That's why there can be only one God. Because if you don't have a definition, then there is nothing outside of you. There can be no "other".
An example: two neighboring countries can only be called two countries when there is a border in between them. But if a country has no borders, if there is no defined place where it ends and another country begins, how can you say that there are two countries?
God has no borders, so how can there be more than one god? Where would one god end and one begin if there is no dividing line between them?
The act of creation is the act of making borders and drawing definitions: this is an apple and not a banana, this is land and this sea. Creation has definitions. The Creator doesn't have a definition. That's what makes Him God. And that's why there can only be one.
The definition of God is: "a Being without definition." God cannot be defined, because if I define Him then I limit Him. And something limited is not God. By defining something, I give it borders. If for example I define an apple as a sweet, round fruit that is green or red, then when I find a long purple fruit, I know that it can't be an apple. An apple is limited to being round and red or green. That is its definition. God can't be defined, because by defining Him you are saying that there's something He can't be; but this could not be true, because God is unlimited.
That's why there can be only one God. Because if you don't have a definition, then there is nothing outside of you. There can be no "other".
An example: two neighboring countries can only be called two countries when there is a border in between them. But if a country has no borders, if there is no defined place where it ends and another country begins, how can you say that there are two countries?
God has no borders, so how can there be more than one god? Where would one god end and one begin if there is no dividing line between them?
The act of creation is the act of making borders and drawing definitions: this is an apple and not a banana, this is land and this sea. Creation has definitions. The Creator doesn't have a definition. That's what makes Him God. And that's why there can only be one.