Do the Characteristics of the Quran make belief in Islam reasonable? (graphics edits needed-article in progress)
Before we determine whether belief in Islam is reasonable, it is important to determine whether belief in a divine creator or a spiritual realm is reasonable. The following provides a very brief overview:
Is belief in God reasonable: Religious people assert that the universe exists because a supreme intelligence brought it into existence. Non-religious people assert that the universe exists without reason and without purpose (The universe just ‘is’). Which one is it? Which belief is reasonable?
There is uncertainty as to whether the universe had a creator. The only possible approach to this question is by using a probabilistic argument. Is the existence of God probable or improbable? It is well known that the universe began to exist. If the universe began to exist, then we must conclude that the universe has a cause. That means something brought the universe into existence. The cause of the universe should also be personal because it must have chosen the universe to exist. Further many theists propose major arguments as to why the existence of God is probable. At the same time atheists also propose major arguments as to why the existence of God is improbable. Such arguments could be that there is no evidence or proof that God exists; therefore God’s existence could be rejected without evidence. According to Islam, it is required that there cannot be proof of God’s existence because life is a test. If God’s existence is proven, then everyone believes in God and passes the test. This would be like the professor giving the answers to the exam (this Islamic concept will be discussed later in this report). Instead of looking for proof that God exists, we must rather reflect about the world around us and the universe to derive to that conclusion. Through that reflection, it is concluded that it is possible that the universe had a creator. If it is possible and probable given the logical analysis of the universe and science, then belief in God is reasonable. Please view the following video to get a more extensive overview of the logical analysis of the dynamics of the universe:
Is belief in the spiritual realm reasonable: I define the spiritual realm as a realm of entities that we do not perceive to exist. Once we perceive something to exist, it is no longer in the spiritual realm. Dark matter, for example, was not very well known at one point in the human ignorance, therefore it was once spiritual. Given that definition, it is reasonable to conclude that there are things that could exist that are currently beyond the human perception such as God.
The extent of legitimacy in the belief of Islam will be measured through an analysis of the Characteristics of the Quran (Islamic holy book).
This paper is an analysis of Islam and the Quran. This report will provide an analytical breakdown of the Quranic disclosure of Islam’s disciplines, instructions and understandings of reality.
In order to respond to the Question of whether belief in Islam is reasonable, important Islamic concepts will be discussed and analyzed through Quranic exegesis and Islamic teachings will be compared to modern science and understanding.
For the sake of brevity and conciseness, this report will be an overview rather than an in-depth analysis of Islamic philosophy. It is important for the reader to recognize that Islamic philosophy is very complex and that we should seek further knowledge and enlightenment on any and all beliefs.
The Quran is the supreme authority in Islam as it carries the Islamic laws, creed and guidance. The Quran is believed to be of Divine origin and given to all of mankind through the Prophet Muhammad and it is the direct speech of the creator of the worlds--Allah. In order to determine whether belief in Islam is reasonable, an analysis Quranic exegesis will be performed.
Here is an example of the analytical approach on Quranic exegesis:
[Quran 31.27] And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.1
This Quranic verse brings forth many concepts simultaneously:
1.) It reveals Allah’s (God’s) omniscience in that an enormous supply of ink would not be able to reveal Allah’s knowledge to us.
2.) It teaches that the Quran is not a completely detailed scripture and that Allah has withheld knowledge from the Quran.
3.) It reveals that there is an immense wealth of knowledge left to be discovered
Analysis: The above Quranic verse has maintained multiple implications simultaneously. It asserts that the available knowledge is far too great to be addressed in the Quran, that Allah’s knowledge is immense and that the level of human ignorance is tremendous. Applying such concepts to reality is extremely relevant. Humanity has reached a wealth of knowledge in the world around us, but, we recognize that there is still plenty to learn!
Characteristics of the Quran:
The Quran is:
1.) Broad in explanatory scope and power
2.) Unique
3.) Multilayered
4.) Indirect/vague
5.) Timeless
6.) Scientifically accurate
7.) Historically preserved
The Quran has a broad explanatory scope and power:
Explanatory power is the effectiveness of a theory in its explanation of what it is designed to do27. Explanatory scope is the range of ideas in which a theory encompasses. The larger the explanatory power/scope, the more effective the theory is at explaining the subject. If X, Y and Z for example represent things in need of explaining and theory A explains X & Y effectively, but, theory B explains X,Y & Z more effectively, then theory B has more explanatory power and scope.
The Quran has a broad explanatory power and scope in its explanations of large philosophical questions such as:
-Physical existence
-Purpose of human life
-Previous religions before Islam
Physical existence: William Lane Craig, a well-known theist philosopher reports that “"The first question which should rightly be asked," wrote G.W.F. Leibniz, is " Why is there something rather than nothing?"1 This question does seem to possess a profound existential force, which has been felt by some of mankind's greatest thinkers. According to Aristotle, philosophy begins with a sense of wonder about the world, and the most profound question a man can ask concerns the origin of the universe.”
The question of why things exist seems to be an extremely important and relevant question when it comes to philosophy. The Quran describes that something exists rather than nothing because an intelligent, immaterial being decided to bring the universe and physical reality into existence.
[Quran 39:5] He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed..
Purpose of human life: The Quran has explicitly stated that the purpose of human life is a test of worship and obedience to the creator.
[Quran 76:2] Verily, We created man from a drop of mingled sperm so that We may test him;
[Quran 67:2] (Allah is he) Who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed.
[Quran 29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested?
[Quran 51:56] And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship/be obedient to Me.
Previous religions before Islam: The Quran describes that there had been many prophets before the prophet Muhammad and some of them were not included in the Quran.
[Quran 40:78] And certainly we sent messengers before you: there are some of them that we have mentioned to you and there are others whom we have not mentioned to you
Further, the Quran reminds us that all nations had received prophets giving the message:
[Quran 16:36] And we certainly sent into every nation a messenger
Also according to the Quran, previous scripture have been corrupted and lost and the previous message has been changed.
[Quran 2:79] So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
The following Quranic verse states that the previous people who were given the scripture (all nations), need to accept the original message that was originally contained in those scriptures-Islam:
[Quran 5:15] O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.
The Quran is Unique:
The Quran is neither poetic nor common-talk. The Quran contains poetic natures intertwined in the typical speech. The Quran is unlike any Arabic literature and it has been recognized by many scholars and Arabic linguistics.
Taha Husayn, a well-recognized Arabic Litterateur, describes the Quran’s uniqueness:
“But you know that the Qur’an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur’an, and it cannot be called by any other name but this. It is not verse, and that is clear; for it does not bind itself to the bonds of verse. And it is not prose, for it is bound by bonds peculiar to itself, not found elsewhere; some of the binds are related to the endings of its verses and some to that musical sound which is all its own. It is therefore neither verse nor prose, but it is “a Book whose verses have been perfected the expounded, from One Who is Wise, All-Aware.” We cannot therefore say its prose, and its text itself is not verse. It has been one of a kind, and nothing like it has ever preceded or followed it.”
The Quran is so unique that it claims itself to be inimitable.
(Note: Surah=Chapter And Jinn=Spiritual beings)
[Quran 2:23] And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof3
[Quran 10:38] Or do they say [about the Prophet], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
[Quran 17:88] Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."
In these verses the Quran challenges humans to generate a chapter like it. This reveals that the extent of the Quranic uniqueness is so large that it is inimitable. There are many resources and articles about the uniqueness of the Quran, for a more extensive review of the Quran’s unique nature please visit the following sites:
You can also view this from a logical-historical perspective. Hamilton Gibb, Author of Islam-A historical survey said:
“...the Meccans still demanded of him a miracle, and with remarkable boldness and self-confidence Mohammad appealed as a supreme confirmation of his mission to the Koran itself. Like all Arabs they were the connoisseurs of language and rhetoric. Well, then if the Koran were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not), then let them accept the Koran as an outstanding evident miracle”.
Skeptics say that the inimitability of the Quran is a subjective measure. Who gets to define if something is like the Quran?
The tools needed to imitate a Quranic chapter would be a finite set of grammatical rules, letters of the Arabic alphabet, Quranic sentence structure and flow as well as an imitation of the mathematical code and symmetries (will be discussed later) of the Quran. These are all objective measures which therefore ends the subjectivity argument against Quranic imitation.
Example of the Quran’s unique nature:
The following verse will be examined in detail to further reveal the Quran’s unique nature:
[Quran 2:255] Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
The linguistic and numerical features of this verse will be examined:
Linguistic Analysis: This verse has an amazing linguistic and poetic nature to it. The first sentence speaks about Allah’s attributes. The last sentence also speaks about Allah’s attributes. The first sentence is connected to the last sentence. The second sentence speaks about Allah never getting tired; the second to last sentence also speaks about never getting tired. The second sentence is correlated to the second to last sentence. The third sentence speaks about Allah owning everything in the universe while the third to last sentence speaks about Allah’s throne extending over the universe. The third sentence is correlated to the third to last sentence. The fourth sentence speaks about a general statement and its exception, and, the fourth to last sentence also gives a statement and its exception. The fourth sentence is correlated to the fourth to last sentence. What is even more interesting is that the middle sentence speaks about Allah knowing what is before them and what will be after them. This middle sentence is referring you to this symmetry in the Quran. This is an example of the Quran’s unique linguistic nature.
The Quran is neither poetic nor common-talk. The Quran contains poetic natures intertwined in the typical speech. The Quran is unlike any Arabic literature and it has been recognized by many scholars and Arabic linguistics.
Taha Husayn, a well-recognized Arabic Litterateur, describes the Quran’s uniqueness:
“But you know that the Qur’an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur’an, and it cannot be called by any other name but this. It is not verse, and that is clear; for it does not bind itself to the bonds of verse. And it is not prose, for it is bound by bonds peculiar to itself, not found elsewhere; some of the binds are related to the endings of its verses and some to that musical sound which is all its own. It is therefore neither verse nor prose, but it is “a Book whose verses have been perfected the expounded, from One Who is Wise, All-Aware.” We cannot therefore say its prose, and its text itself is not verse. It has been one of a kind, and nothing like it has ever preceded or followed it.”2
The Quran is so unique that it claims itself to be inimitable.
(Note: Surah=Chapter And Jinn=Spiritual beings)
[Quran 2:23] And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof3
[Quran 10:38] Or do they say [about the Prophet], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
[Quran 17:88] Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."
In these verses the Quran challenges humans to generate a chapter like it. This reveals that the extent of the Quranic uniqueness is so large that it is inimitable. There are many resources and articles about the uniqueness of the Quran, for a more extensive review of the Quran’s unique nature please visit the following sites:
You can also view this from a logical-historical perspective. Hamilton Gibb, Author of Islam-A historical survey said:
“...the Meccans still demanded of him a miracle, and with remarkable boldness and self-confidence Mohammad appealed as a supreme confirmation of his mission to the Koran itself. Like all Arabs they were the connoisseurs of language and rhetoric. Well, then if the Koran were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not), then let them accept the Koran as an outstanding evident miracle”.
Skeptics say that the inimitability of the Quran is a subjective measure. Who gets to define if something is like the Quran?
The tools needed to imitate a Quranic chapter would be a finite set of grammatical rules, letters of the Arabic alphabet, Quranic sentence structure and flow as well as an imitation of the mathematical code and symmetries (will be discussed later) of the Quran. These are all objective measures which therefore ends the subjectivity argument against Quranic imitation.
Example of the Quran’s unique nature:
The following verse will be examined in detail to further reveal the Quran’s unique nature:
[Quran 2:255] Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
The linguistic and numerical features of this verse will be examined:
Linguistic Analysis: This verse has an amazing linguistic and poetic nature to it. The first sentence speaks about Allah’s attributes. The last sentence also speaks about Allah’s attributes. The first sentence is connected to the last sentence. The second sentence speaks about Allah never getting tired; the second to last sentence also speaks about never getting tired. The second sentence is correlated to the second to last sentence. The third sentence speaks about Allah owning everything in the universe while the third to last sentence speaks about Allah’s throne extending over the universe. The third sentence is correlated to the third to last sentence. The fourth sentence speaks about a general statement and its exception, and, the fourth to last sentence also gives a statement and its exception. The fourth sentence is correlated to the fourth to last sentence. What is even more interesting is that the middle sentence speaks about Allah knowing what is before them and what will be after them. This middle sentence is referring you to this symmetry in the Quran. This is an example of the Quran’s unique linguistic nature.
Please watch the following video for a clearer understanding of the features of this verse:
Numeric Analysis:
The following figure is taken from, and it is a depiction of the Quran chapter 2 verse 255. Please refer to that link for a more detailed description of the currently known Quranic code7.
In this verse displayed in the above figure, you notice that Quran 2:255 is a very large verse. The Quran begins every chapter with a statement known as the ‘basmala’. It translates as is “In the name of Allah-the beneficent, the merciful”. In this figure, the letters of the basmala are counted in this verse and put in a sequence. This sequence happens to be equally divisible by 7 as many other linguistically connected verses have been discovered to be. For a more detailed evaluation, please refer to the link above!
Conclusion: This Quranic verse is very unique in its linguistic nature and its numerical nature. This numeric nature of this verse is applied to a certain pattern that fits within the Quran. This verse fits in a pattern in which features of different verses are divisible by 7.
According to many studies of the Quran, scholars and mathematicians have found various numerical consistencies within the Quran7. Many of these numerical consistencies involve Quranic symmetry, the number 7 and the number 19. In the numerical analysis of Quran 2:255, we discover that it fits within the Quranic pattern. There are many verses that are being discovered on a daily basis and they further keep revealing to us a hidden code in the Quran. Currently, the code is not fully complete in its understanding, but we are slowly arriving at getting a more comprehensive understanding. Please refer to the following links to read about these numerical code and consistencies in the Quran: This book reveals the semantically connected verses with numerical connections to the divisibility of the number 7. This website reveals many aspects of the number 19 code of the Quran : This book (which can be downloaded at the site), shows the unique symmetry of the order of the odd and even chapter numbers and verse numbers.
There are many things such as these in the Quran that have just been recently discovered. This unique mathematical nature of this Quranic verse was not mentioned in any previous source in history. From this, we can safely conclude that it has not been known to people in the past. If we do not have the knowledge of everything and we have not yet discovered all of the mathematical and linguistic patterns in the Quran, how can we reproduce it? It must logically follow that the verses speaking about the Quran’s inimitability (mentioned above) are objective, legitimate and factual. Since the Quran is inimitable, it must logically follow that it is a unique book.
Why is the Quran made to be unique with a complex linguistic and mathematical structure?
1.) To reveal a piece of evidence that the Quran is truly from God
2.) To reveal the complex nature of Allah’s creations/work
The Quran is Multilayered:The Quran achieves multiple different translations in the same verse. The Arabic language is so rich and that allow the Quran to achieve valid multiple meanings in a singular statement. Many examples of this can be derived from the Quran:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.7
This verse informs us that the creation of the universe involved strength/might/power and that the universe is expanding. There is a much deeper multi-layered meaning into that verse. The word for “expander” has 3 different meanings and they are all accurate and valid. It is important to note that “expander” in its Arabic form is an active participle which means it is a constant process.
Other meanings for the Arabic word for “expander”8:
1.) “Constantly encompassing”
2.) Provider
3.) Expander
Applying the first translation:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are constantly encompassing it
The above translation is true. Allah is constantly encompassing the Universe. Other Quranic verses also allude to that fact.
Applying the second translation:
[Quran 51:47] And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] provider
The above translation is also accurate. By creating a self-sustaining universe and decreeing natural law, Allah is the provider of the Universe’s sustenance.
Applying the third translation:
[Quran 51:47] And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] expander
The above translation is also accurate. Recently, it has been brought to our understanding that the universe formed in a large explosion and is still expanding. This makes this translation also accurate in its meaning.
For a detailed Arabic analysis of this verse please watch:
This verse also presents another example of how the Quran maintains multi-layered meanings:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was a clinging clot, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]9
The word for “clinging clot” can also be translated in 3 different ways10, generally it refers to things that stick of cling:
1.) Blood clot like
2.) Leech-like
3.) Clinging substance
Applying the first translation
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was blood clot-like, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
There is a period in the Embryo’s existence in which it has a cardiovascular system without circulating blood. Within that same period that Embryo appears to look like a blood-clot.
Applying the second translation:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was leech-like, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
The following figure shows a comparison of a leech to a developing human embryo:
Applying the third translation:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was a clinging substance, and [Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
The Embryo literally clings:
For a quick description of this concept please watch the following video:
Conclusion: The preceding two examples demonstrate that the Quran uses a language rich in meanings which makes it very multi-layered in its interpretations. Many different and seemingly contradictory statements can be and are true at the same time in accordance with the Quran.
Why was the Quran made to be multilayered? The Quran maintains its nature of having multiple valid translations for the same phenomena:
1.) So that it could give a large amount of information in as little words as possible
2.) So that it further shows how it is of an extremely intelligent origin
3.) So that it supports multiple beliefs simultaneously and remains timeless (will be explained in detail in the next feature of the Quran)
The Quran is Indirect and Vague
It is a very well-known feature that the Quran is both indirect and Vague. The Quran doesn’t give you direct answers to big questions especially the large philosophical questions. The Quran itself claims to have elements of vagueness within it:
[Quran 3:7] It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific.12
The specific verses deal with the commandments and the laws that humans are to do, the non-specific verses usually deal with natural phenomena. Just by reading the Quran, its vague nature radiates and it really ends up confusing you. You are left to understand the Quran by relating verses of the Quran to each other and deriving the message that it is trying to give.
Why is the Quran vague? Why doesn’t the Quran give you direct answers to big questions? There are extremely important reasons for the Quranic vagueness:
1.) So that the Quran can remain timeless and not contradict both previous beliefs and modern beliefs (will be discussed soon)
2.) So that the Quran is sufficient in providing evidence for God for those whose hearts are open, but, sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel those whose hearts are closed.
The first point:
This will be discussed in more detail later. The general Idea is that it would be illogical to expect the Quran to give you direct answers to the world because if it did, it would contradict the beliefs of those who lived in the 7th century. For example, the common belief at that time is that the Earth was flat. If the Quran had told them that the Earth was actually round, they would have ridiculed the Quran because according to their observations the Earth is clearly flat. If the Quran had told them that the Earth is flat, it would have supported their beliefs, but it would contradict our beliefs. So it is a requirement for the Quran to be vague enough in its natural descriptions so that it doesn’t contradict both 7th century belief and modern belief.
The second point:
If the Quran had simply given you the answers to everything and it detailed extensively everything in creation, then it would become proof that God exists and God authored the Quran. Life is a test, if Allah proves himself to you, then it would be like the professor giving you proof of his existence. (The following is taken from my blog @
The Quran must be clear so that it compels those whose hearts are open, but it must be sufficiently vague so it doesn't compel those whose hearts are closed (or unwilling to believe).
It is absolutely important to note that there is no full complete physical proof of Allah's existence. This is because there cannot be proof of Allah’s existence.
Life is like a multiple choice exam. If you pick the wrong choices throughout the exam, you will be punished. If you pick the right choices throughout the exam, you will be rewarded! The exam is going to be very difficult and it will have many tricks in it to test you. If the Quran or the universe were presented with clear, 100% proof of certainty in God's existence, then everyone believes in the Quran and in God. It would be like the professor decides to give you the answers to the exam. The whole point of your existence is to not have 100% proof of certainty that Allah exists.
What is necessary to pass the test?
1.) Belief in God and the oneness thereof
2.) Belief that God's final revelation onto mankind is the Quran
3.) Adhering to the laws and duties put forth by the Quran
You must believe in God and you must believe the Quran is the word of God. That is how you pass the test. Allah will not give you proof of his existence neither will he give you complete proof that the Quran is from him, because if he had done so, it would violate your purpose in life. (Note: The third necessary item to pass this test requires that you believe in God and the Quran being his word).
A good professor is one that does not give you the answers to the exam, rather, the professor provides you with the tools and information and lets you analyze, interpret and apply that information to reach a conclusion on the exam question! If the professor were to give you the answers to the exam, it would violate the purpose of the exam. If Allah were to give you proof of his existence it would violate your purpose in life-to worship Allah without proof of his existence. Instead, he gives signs and hints that point to his existence!
Therefore it must logically follow that those signs and hints must not clearly prove with complete certainty the existence of Allah or that the Quran is from him, rather they must hint at the existence of God and the Quran. And those signs and hints, must therefore be sufficient to that it compels those whose hearts are open, but they must be sufficiently vague so they doesn't compel those whose hearts are unwilling.
Quranic Analysis Corresponding to this second point:
The purpose of human life is to get tested:
[Quran 76:2] Verily, We created man from a drop of mingled sperm so that We may test him; 13
[Quran 67:2] (Allah is he) Who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed.14
[Quran 29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested?15
We are created so that we get tested and to see how well we would be obedient to Allah:
[Quran 51:56] And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship/be obedient to Me.16
Out of all of Allah's creations, we were created with the purpose to worship Allah (other creatures may have different purposes). So if the purpose of our creation is to be tested, and Allah proves his existence to everyone: Then everyone passes the test. Again, It would be like a college professor giving you the answers to the exam--What's the point of the exam?
Further, the Quran highlights how people were asking the prophet for proof of God and Allah has refused. Instead, Allah points the disbelievers at a sign and asks them to reflect:
[Quran 26:3] Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.17
[Quran 26:4] If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their necks would be forced to bow
[Quran 26:5] And no revelation/signs comes to them anew from the Most Merciful except that they turn away from it.
[Quran 26:6] For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
[Quran 26:7] Did they not look at the earth - how much we have produced therein from every noble kind?
[Quran 26:8] Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers
The preceding verses display a case in which Allah reassures the prophet Muhammad to stop grieving because people disbelieve. Allah could have sent a strong piece of evidence or proof of his existence, but Allah says that he only sends signs and that those signs are not meant to make everyone believe and worship Allah. Then Allah points them to a sign of his existence-not complete proof.
The signs are there for those who think, ponder and wish to surrender to such a formidable force. While those who do not wish to obey, they are given their excuses to keep themselves aloof a satisfaction in their beliefs. Notice how the Quran is also vague and indirect on this topic. The Quran didn't directly specify why Allah refuses to give us proof he exists and only give us signs of his existence. The Quran lets the reader apply and interpret this information to reach a conclusion (remember, life is a test-an intellectual journey). A good professor does not give you the direct information needed to pass the exam, rather, he gives you bits and pieces of different information and allows you to analyze and interpret that information to reach a conclusion in the thought provoking exam question. If Allah were to directly give you his reason as to why he refuses to give proof of himself, then it would the test easy for humans. The test is not designed to be easy. Allah allows those who are sincerely searching for truth to interpret, apply and analyze this information in the Quran to reach a reasonable conclusion. Allah also simultaneously allows those who are arrogant, intellectually dishonest or not looking for truth to have their excuses and reasons to reject Allah and the Quran. This is also analogous to how a professor designs the exam (with the right difficulty) so that it allows those who studied well in getting the right answers and simultaneously allows those who didn't study well in getting the wrong answers to the thought-provoking questions.
Edkip Yuksel has stated18: “In order for any test to be valid, the receiver of the test must have the option of different choices. If the receiver had no choice there would be no test. The choice of the receiver determines his success or failure in the test that has been set. As an example, suppose you would like to test your 6 year old son and see whether he will obey you or not. You take him to his room and ask him not to leave the room. You leave the door open so he is given the choice whether to obey you and stay, or to disobey you and leave the room. The fact that you have given him two choices: the good (obey you), and the bad (disobey you) means that there was indeed a valid test. Now let us suppose you have done the same as above but this time you locked the door. In this case your son does not have the option of disobeying you. You come back after one hour and find him still inside the room, but this time, was he really tested? The answer is no, because your son had no option of disobeying you, and thus he had no choice. When we import this logic to the multi-meaning verses in the Quran, we find that among various other ways God has tested us, one test is by deliberately including the multi-meaning verses in the Quran”
In 3:7 we read:
[Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who have perversity in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning.12
The ones who are honest are those who apply the Quranic verses to reach a reasonable conclusion, and then there are the ones whose hearts are perverse will abuse these multi-meaning verses to create confusion. Therefore, the verses in the Quran are a deliberate test set by God. God doesn’t give you direct answers because he expects us to find such answers through the Quran and a reflection of reality. That is how we pass this test!
For a more detailed explanation of this Quranic concept please watch my video that I have made earlier:
Conclusion: The Quran states that Allah refuses to give proof of his existence; rather, he wants humans to reflect upon the signs he has given to choose whether or not to worship Allah. In which case, it would be required, In order to maintain the structure of the test, for the signs to be clear so that it compels those whose hearts are open, but they must be sufficiently vague so it doesn't compel those whose hearts are closed (or unwilling to believe). A good analogy would be a professor giving you hints and information on the exam that don't reveal the answer to the exam for those who didn't study, but sufficiently guides those who truly studied in getting the right answer.
Note: It is important to understand the qualities of the test. This test is not meant to add knowledge to Allah.
Al-Islam reports: ...“The test which we are to undergo is not meant to add to the knowledge of God. Although God knows everything, it still is necessary that all men and women be put to test so that the true form of God's justice and mercy may emerge on the Day of Judge¬ment. If God were to send all persons to Paradise or Hell according to His own knowledge without put¬ting them to test for their beliefs and deeds, then those sent to Hell could rightly complain that why were they being punished without any sin on their part while others enjoyed bliss of Paradise without any good deed in their credit? So in order to uphold the principle of justice and fairness, it was necessary for God to test all persons before sending them to Hell or Paradise.”21
The Quran is Timeless
The Quran is meant for all times and places. The Quran supports 7th century belief and modern belief simultaneously without contradicting either belief.
Analysis of the Quran’s timelessness:
It was stated earlier that the Quran doesn’t give direct answers to questions, rather, it allows the reader to interpret the indirect Quran in light of other Quranic verses and to reach a conclusion. The Quran did not directly tell you it was timeless. Its timeless nature should be the conclusion that follows from an interpretation of the Quran.
According to the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet for humans.
[Quran 33:40] Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.22
If the prophet Muhammad was the final prophet for humans, then no more prophets would be coming.
Further the Quran reveals that prophets come down with scripture:
[Quran 2:213] Mankind was one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the Scripture..23
If the prophet Muhammad was the last prophet, then he is the last one who comes down with scripture. This means that no new scripture will come. It must follow then, that the Quran is timeless as it must be relevant to the people at the Prophet Muhammad’s time and it must be relevant to modern times.
The Quran claims to be timeless, but, is the Quran timeless? The dynamics of the Quran and some examples will be discussed to reveal the Quranic timelessness.
The mechanism of the Quran’s timeless nature:
The Quran maintains its timeless nature by verse applicability. For example, there are verses that address only the prophet Muhammad, there are verses that address only men, there are verses that address only women, and there are verses that address people of the future. This allows the Quran to be relevant to everyone. There are certain laws that women follow that men don’t and vice-versa.
This is an example of a verse that was not applicable to the prophet himself, but it is applicable to the people of the future:
[Quran 55:33] O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through..24
The above verse is a direct commandment to us in modern times to travel through space. This verse was not applicable to the Prophet Muhammad himself, but it is applicable to us now.
The Quran maintains this timeless and universal nature through giving out multiple verses with varying applicability so that it is relevant for all humans at all times and places.
Timeless interpretations of the Quran:
It has been described earlier that the Quran must be vague for two reasons. One that has been discussed in detail earlier is that it must not provide complete certainty in the existence of God. The other reason is that the Quran must support 7th century belief and modern belief without contradicting either belief. This is a requirement because the Quran is timeless. But, does the Quran live up to that requirement?
The short answer is yes. The Quran’s vagueness gives it its ability to be timeless. Here is an example:
[Quran 21:33] And He it is who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.25
Imagine this verse has said that they are in an orbit floating around the earth. This would be a case in which the Quran supports 7th century belief but contradicts modern belief. Those words were conveniently not placed there so that the Quran maintains its timeless nature.
Does this verse support 7th century belief that the Sun and the Moon travel around the Earth: Yes
Does this verse support modern belief that the Sun and the Moon are each traveling in an orbit: Yes
The Sun definitely travels in an orbit26. You will find many examples like this throughout the Quran. Certain words were avoided so that the Quran maintains its timeless nature! The mechanism the Quran does this is through vagueness and word avoidance!
Also notice how the Quran allows room for those who are unwilling to accept Islam to have their reasons to reject Islam. People may say that the author of the Quran did not know that the Earth has an orbit because the Quran didn’t explicitly state it. The response to that claim is that if the Quran has stated that the Earth has an orbit around the sun, it would contradict 7th century belief and they wouldn’t be compelled in accepting Islam. It’s a requirement for the Quran to maintain vagueness so that it becomes timeless. To some this is a strong piece of evidence that the Quran has a divine origin, to others this is just the Quran displaying its ignorance. This further alludes to the point previously made that the Quran must have sufficient evidence to compel those whose hearts are open but they must be sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel those whose hearts are closed.
Conclusion: In order for the Quran to be the last message to Mankind, it is a requirement for the Quran to be timeless. The Quran lives up to that requirement by ranging its applicability to people of the past and future through allowing vagueness in its verses so that it doesn’t contradict 7th century belief and modern belief.
The Quran is Scientifically Accurate:
Through analysis of Quranic verses, you can conclude that the Quran’s statements are very accurate scientifically. It is although, important to note that the Quran is not a science book, it is a spiritual guide that gives you signs that it is from Allah.
It has been discussed previously that the Quran is vague and this vagueness allows for the Quran’s timelessness and to sustain the purpose of human existence. It must be restated that the Quran does not give direct answers rather, its answers are scattered throughout the unique text. This means that to gain an understanding of the Quran’s overall message, verses need to be interpreted in light of other verses. This also means that the Quranic scientific statements remain vague and leaves room for ambiguity.
For the sake of brevity, we will only discuss 2 major scientific discoveries that were very recent:
1.) Aspects of the universe (origin and age)
2.) Biological Evolution
Quran on the origin universe:
We have discussed earlier that the Quran says that the universe was created with a large amount of strength and it is constantly getting expanded:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.7
The Quran also states that Earth and the Universe were of one connected entity and was separated:
[Quran 21:30] Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?36
What is interesting about this verse is that it complements Quran 51:47 and it is presented in rhetorical form. It is speaking to those who disbelieve in Islam in modern times. The Quran is asking you: “Haven’t you considered that the universe was once a singular entity and we separated that entity and made from a liquid every living thing? Will you then still not believe in the divine origin of the Quran?”
These verses refer to many concepts, that the universe’s creation involved strength/power, the universe is expanding, before the state of expansion the earth and the rest of the universe existed in a singular entity which was separated to form the universe and that every living thing in the universe is then made from a liquid/flowing substance.
These concepts seem to be obvious correlates to the modern understandings of cosmology and biology. The universe began to exist through an event known as the big bang37. Previous to the explosion, the universe was in a singularity—a primordial fireball38. Then through power/strength, the universe expands!
The Quran also asserts that all life is formed from liquid/water. This is a well-recognized scientific concept that all life requires a liquid/water39
The Quran on the age of the universe:
The Quran asserts that the universe in its current form has been created in 6 periods:
[Quran 7:54] Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six periods45
The Quran also asserts that the Earth in its current form has been in existence for 2 periods:
[Quran 41:9] Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two periods46
The Quran makes it clear elsewhere that the periods discussed refer to the periods of existence:
[Quran 50:38] And indeed we created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six periods 47
When the Quran says that Allah created the Universe and the Earth and Everything in between them (including humans) in six days this means that the Quran is referring to the period of existence. That means that in the distant future, the Quran would say that Allah created the universe and the earth and all that is between them (what will become between them) in 7, or 8, or 9 periods and so on.
At the time of the Quranic revelation (everything in between of the universe and earth), the universe has existed for 6 periods. And the Earth (which is contained in the universe) has existed for 2 periods out of the 6. This makes the Earth to be 2/6th (1/3rd ) the age of the universe.
Modern cosmology estimates that the universe is 13.7 billion years old and that the Earth is 4.54 billion years old. 4.54/13.7 is roughly 1/3rd. So according to modern cosmology the Earth should be roughly 1/3rd the age of the universe. This cosmological finding complements the Quran and therefore makes the Quran scientifically accurate in its rough revelation on the relative age of the Earth and the Universe.
Quran on Evolution:
In modern times, evolution seems to be a hot topic when it comes to religions. Religion has been so misunderstood to deny evolution. The Quran does not at all contradict evolution and as will be shown, it even supports the basic concept of evolution!
Firstly, the Quran asserts that humans have not existed in the universe for a long period of time:
[Quran 76:1] Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned? 48
This informs us that the time of existence of humans is insignificant with respect to everything else. This is in line with the modern understanding of evolution. Humans have not existed for a long time according to history and the fossil record. The NHM reports that “It is estimated that the first members of the human family (hominins) lived in Africa about 6 or 7 million years ago. “40 7 million years is very insignificant compared to 13.7 billion years of the universe’s existence or 4.54 of the Earth’s!
[Quran 35:1] [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.49
This verse asserts that Allah increases the complexity of creatures. This verse points us to an example of how Allah adds ‘wings’ to the angels however he pleases. It is important to note that ‘wings’ is probably metaphorical as it refers to a thing needed to fly. The basic idea in this verse is that Allah increases or adds complexity to his creations as he wills. One can ask the question, why did the Quran mention this and what point is the Quran trying to make? The point this verse is trying to make is clear, Allah creations go through a process of increasing in complexity. Further, the title of that chapter is “The Originator”. This further brings you to an understanding that Allah originates creation and increases complexity to creation. This is in line with the basic idea of the evolution of life. Life on earth originated and gained complexity.
[Quran 29:20] Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the Earth and observe how He began creation”52
Quran 29:20 issues a direct commandment that humans should travel through the earth and observe how Allah began creation. This verse implies that by travelling through the Earth, you would see the mechanism of creation! Darwin has unknowingly followed that commandment and has discovered how creation began, from his travels he published a revolutionary book titled “The Origin of Species”.
[Quran 64:3] ..He designed you then made your design better..53
[Quran 40:64]..Formed you then made your forms better..54
[Quran 7:11] And we have certainly created you, [O Mankind], then given you [human] form.55
Again, the context of the above verses show that humans were designed in one form and that form was then improved upon. This again coincides with biological evolution.
[Quran 2:30] "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." 56
This verse is referring to humans as the context of the verse displays. The question here arises, who are humans succeeding on Earth? This coincides with the fact that we, humans, succeeded the early hominids on Earth! Another Quranic verse further reveals this:
[Quran 10:13-14] And we had already destroyed generations before you when they wronged, and their messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe. Thus do we recompense the criminal people. Then we made you successors in the Earth after them so that We may observe how you will do.57
The previous 2 verses make it clear that humans succeeded generations that were before us. The following verse informs us that they were non-human:
[Quran 6.133] If He wills, he can do away with you (o mankind) and give succession after you to WHATEVER He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people. 58
Many translators have translated the Arabic word for “whatever” as “whomever”. They, unfortunately added their own understanding to a verse. The Quran specifically uses the word "Whatever" or "What" ("ma" in Arabic ما). This Arabic word "ma" does refer to humans; this word is strictly reserved for non-humans (the Arabic word that does refer to humans is "men من", meaning "who" or "whoever" but it was not used here). 41, 42
[Quran 32:7-9] Who made better everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained. Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.59
The preceding verse seems to be a highlight of the major evolutionary steps and it uses a sequential conjunction to illustrate its purpose. Creation began from a basic earth like substance (clay), then after the initiation of creation, sexual reproduction develops and then after that higher intelligence forms. This verse specifically says that our posterity was made from an extract of a liquid disdained, this implies that after the initiation of creation of man from the Earth, the ability to sexually reproduce formed. After sexual reproduction formed, higher intelligence develops. Evolutionary, we can say that life formed from the Earth (or what became to be the earth). Their mode of reproduction was asexual. Then sexual reproduction occurred which allowed for more variation and more complexity in organisms. Through sexual reproduction, more variation occurred which allowed extremely complex multicellular organisms capable of thought, like humans to develop. This Quranic verse appears to highlight such a phenomenon by stating that creation started out of the Earth, then sexual reproduction developed, then humans formed.
The following two verses make it clear that the humans were created progressively and involving many diverse stages:
[Quran 71:17] And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth.50
[Quran 71:14] Allah created you in diverse stages51
It is important to note that there are many other verses in the Quran that allude to the basic idea of evolution, for the sake of brevity, only the major ones were displayed. Please visit this link to view more:
Historical perspective on Islamic Evolution:
Sir William Draper was one of Darwin’s contemporary. He referred to biological evolution as the “Mohammadean theory of evolution”. He says: ““[Christian] theological authorities were therefore constrained to look with disfavor on any attempt to carry back the origin of the earth to an epoch indefinitely remote, and on the Muhammadan theory of evolution which declared that human beings developed over a long period of time from lower forms of life to the present condition.” “Sometimes, not without surprise, we meet the ideas with which we flatter ourselves with having originated our own times. Thus our modern doctrine of evolution and development were taught their [Muslim] schools. In fact they carried them much farther than we are disposed to do, extending them even inorganic and minerals.”43
Further Edkip Yuksel, a famous Islamic reformist says: “Muslim scientists and philosophers of the medieval period had no qualms in accepting evolution as a divine system for creation. For instance, the prominent Muslim polymath, philosopher and sociologist Ibni Khaldun (1332-1406), after a paragraph about the origin of human species, reminds the reader with a verse describing the deterministic nature of God’s system: “You will never find a change in God’s system.” In his famous book Muqaddimah, Ibni Khaldun proposes a theory of evolution starting from minerals. Minerals, according to Ibn Khaldun, evolve and become seeded and seedless plants. Plants evolve and reach to their zenith with palm trees and vines. The evolution continues with snails and shelled sea animals. The diversification in animal kingdom reaches the zenith of creation by gradual evolution into human beings with consciousness and thinking skills. According to Ibn Khaldun, monkeys are the link between animals and the first stage of humanity. Ibn Khaldun presents the theory of evolution by using scientific language, arguing that the essence of creation (in modern terminology: genetic code) passes through various changes (mutations) generating one species after another”43
Conclusion: The basic idea of evolution in which humans were created in stages is a Quranic concept displayed through a plethora of verses. The Quranic descriptions of the cosmological origin of the universe as well as the relative age of the universe are also in line with modern scientific understanding. The Quran therefore maintains a scientifically accurate state. There are many other scientifically relevant features of the Quran that further prove this point.
The Quran is historically preserved:
The Quran has been recognized as being preserved. The Quran that we have today would be the same Quran that the prophet Muhammad had in the 7th century. Quranic manuscripts exist that date back the date of the prophet Muhammad. 44
A comprehensive study was done in the evaluation of the Quran’s historical preservation. The published book is titled: “History of the Quranic text: From revelation to compilation”. Please refer to that book and view an online base on the various Quran manuscripts.
Does it make belief in Islam reasonable?
The Quran has displayed its amazingly unique characteristics that make it a valid theory that it is from God. The Quran answers the questions in its broad explanatory scope/power as to the purpose of life, the purpose of existence, and how the pervious religions that came before Islam were all from the same source and origin and therefore religions seem to display similarity in each other. Further the Quran addresses why there is no proof of God, which seems to be a relevant topic. If there was a God, then God is hiding his tracks in nature so we don’t discover his existence—The Quran alludes to this extremely important point. The fact that the Quran explained why there isn’t proof of God and how God only sends signs and tests humans to see if they accept them or not, makes the Islamic philosophy irrefutable. You can’t logically go against this argument and you cannot disprove it. This statement justifies why the Quran is vague and why science cannot prove the existence of God. These are extremely important questions that lead you to believe or disbelieve in God. This characteristic of the Quran makes belief in Islam reasonable! The Quran has maintained large explanatory scope and has explained an extremely important question as to why there is no proof of God. The Quran’s timeless nature tells us that the author of the Quran knew about both beliefs of the 7th century and modern times so the author avoided certain words to avoid contradicting either belief. This further makes the belief in Islam reasonable! With regards to the Quran’s uniqueness and inimitability, the Quran challenges people to produce a book like it. This is an extremely remarkable challenge as the Quran had just stated that it is unique. Muslims have discovered further that the Quran appears to follow a mathematical code and this is a work in progress. If the Quran fits through certain patterns and we have not discovered the patterns, then the Quran is unique and inimitable. The uniqueness of the Quran does indeed make belief in Islam reasonable, because when you think of it, how did a man write a book like this? Either he possessed some extreme intelligence and had time on his hands or that it is from God. The prophet Muhammad is reported to be illiterate and he hasn’t received an education. For someone who didn’t go to school, the Quran is an extremely remarkable piece of work that is still being respected today! Further, the Quran’s multi-layered meanings signify the author’s intelligence and points to the fact that God could have authored it. The scientific accuracy and the Quran’s timelessness is an extremely strong indicator that the author of the Quran understood scientific phenomena and through that knowledge kept the Quran timeless by avoiding certain words so that 7th century belief and modern belief don’t get contradicted. The historical accuracy of the Quran also brings forth the concept that God’s final revelation must stay the same throughout all future ages. There is only ONE version of the Quran, but multiple different translations. These characteristics of the Quran are strong indicators that the Quran is from God thus rendering belief in Islam reasonable.
Responding to the claim that the Characteristics of the Quran do not make belief in Islam reasonable:
Anti-Islamic claim: The claim that all other religions have corrupted scripture is a conspiracy theory and is unlikely
Islamic claim: From a logical-historical perspective, we do know that scriptures do get corrupted and have been corrupted in the past. We do know that in the past, there weren’t as many literate people. Also, we know that the efficient method of printing did not exist in the past, so it would make sense that previous scriptures have been corrupted. From an empirical perspective, the NIV of the bible removes verses from the bible in which they think are additions or corruptions35 This does not in any way prove that the bible is corrupted, but it proves that it has gone through mistakes and phases where it has lost pieces of its true text. This coincides with the Islamic belief
Anti-Islamic claim: The uniqueness of the Quran is not anything special. The mathematical numerology of the Quran is not a perfect science and is still being developed so it cannot be used to vouch for the uniqueness of the Quran yet.
Islamic claim: Although the numerological pattern in the Quran has recently been discovered and is currently being investigated, it is not an assumption that the Quran does not have a numerological pattern. The Quran does fit in a pattern as discovered by those the numerological consistencies we have today. If the Quran fits through a certain pattern and we do yet know the entire patter, then the Quran is inimitable. If the Quran is inimitable, it must follow that it is unique.
Anti-Islamic claim: The Quran’s multi-layered meanings, vagueness and timeless do not prove it is from God
Islamic claim: Of course it doesn’t! Nothing can prove the existence of God and the Quran makes that clear! All cases in the Quranic verses word verses precisely through multilayered meanings and sufficient vagueness so that the Quran remains timeless. This means that the author of the Quran understood both beliefs and deliberately worded the Quran in a vague and multi-layered way to achieve its timelessness. As I said earlier, there cannot be anything in Islam that proves with complete certainty it is from Allah. Rather, there is sufficient evidence to make it more likely that it is from Allah. This is an extremely important point as it is important to recognize that the expectation for Islam to prove Allah’s existence is logically incoherent when it comes to Islamic philosophy. Through inquiry and reflection, you would come to the conclusion that it is probable that Islam is from God, but never to the conclusion that Islam is certainly from God. The fact that the Quran can live up to its requirement of vagueness through providing a lack of proof and remaining timeless is something extremely interesting and it further makes Islam a legitimate and reasonable belief.
Anti-Islamic claim: The Quran’s scientific accuracy doesn’t prove that it is from God
Islamic claim: As mentioned earlier, there cannot be proof of God in anything. The Quran maintains an immense scientific accuracy when it comes to revolutionary points. From this understanding, it could be derived that the belief in Islam is reasonable. The application of the understanding of the Quran’s requirement to be timeless and ambiguous answers the question as to why the Quran isn’t direct in its scientific points. This therefore leads to the conclusion that it is probable that the Quran is from God rather than it is from God with complete certainty!
With respect to the Quranic support for the big bang:
It is important to note that there is still room for ambiguity in those verses. This is a requirement in Islam as detailed Earlier--the Quran cannot be proof of Allah’s existence. This can be viewed from a logical perspective, if those verses proved that the Quran is from God, then everyone who reads those verses should have become a Muslim. This obviously didn’t happen so it must follow that these verses are not completely proof that the Quran is divine. On a more detailed note Quran 51:47 (as discussed earlier) has 3 different translations for the word “expander”. Those who are unwilling to accept Islam would have their reason to reject this verse. It was just nothing more than an appeal to an alternate translation. Quran 21:30 is worded awkwardly and although it does state that the universe and the Earth were connected and then separated, it is not a clear representation of the big bang. Also the creation of everything from water isn’t really something very miraculous. It is a simple observation. All animals drink water and all plants drink water. This is an example of how the Quran allows those are unwilling to keep their reasons to stay non-Muslim. This is what makes life a test. You are supposed to determine whether it is probable that the Quran is from God, these verses simply aid at that rather than prove the existence of God.
With respect to the Quranic support for the age of the universe:
As discussed earlier, the Quran cannot prove the existence of God. Although this is a very compelling point that brings you to assert that the author of the Quran is probably not human, it is required in the Quran that there is some ambiguity. The word translated for ‘periods’ is also translated as ‘days’. This gives those are unwilling to accept Islam a reason to think that the Quran is literal 6 day creationism. And as far as getting the proportion right (1/3rd), “a stopped clock is right twice a day, It was just a coincidence. It is just nonsense being extracted to correlate with scientific facts”. Further the skeptic would say “Why didn’t the Quran just simply say the universe is 13.7 billion years old and the Earth is 4.57 billion years old?”. The answer to that claim is three-fold. First, we have discussed earlier that the Quran must maintain ambiguity so that it doesn’t prove to everyone it is from God. If the Quran had explicitly stated that and it was discovered to be true, then everyone would be compelled in believing in Islam! Secondly, it has been discussed earlier that the Quran must be timeless and not contradict 7th century belief. 13.7 billion Years is an extremely incomprehensible number, the people at the time of the prophet would ridicule him. Thirdly, what if humans made a somewhat different calculation that the universe is actually 15.2 billion years old? Then if the Quran had said that it is13.7, then everyone leaves Islam. So by giving basic rough ages of the universe and the Earth, the Quran has maintained its required ambiguity and timelessness. All in all, these verses simply lead you to assert that the existence of God is probable, but, do not lead you to assert with complete certainty that God exists. This is a repetition of an extremely important point that the Quran must be sufficient in compelling those who are pure in heart and sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel everyone.
With respect to the Quranic support for evolution:
The Quran is again indirect in its description of the origin and evolution of mankind. This is also so that the Quran can maintain its ambiguity and timelessness. It wouldn’t be befitting for the prophet Muhammad to state that “humans descended from apes”. The prophet would have been ridiculed at his time. The Quran must also maintain a level of ambiguity in the sense that those who are unwilling to accept its divine origin can have an excuse to reject its evolutionary points.
Is belief in God reasonable: Religious people assert that the universe exists because a supreme intelligence brought it into existence. Non-religious people assert that the universe exists without reason and without purpose (The universe just ‘is’). Which one is it? Which belief is reasonable?
There is uncertainty as to whether the universe had a creator. The only possible approach to this question is by using a probabilistic argument. Is the existence of God probable or improbable? It is well known that the universe began to exist. If the universe began to exist, then we must conclude that the universe has a cause. That means something brought the universe into existence. The cause of the universe should also be personal because it must have chosen the universe to exist. Further many theists propose major arguments as to why the existence of God is probable. At the same time atheists also propose major arguments as to why the existence of God is improbable. Such arguments could be that there is no evidence or proof that God exists; therefore God’s existence could be rejected without evidence. According to Islam, it is required that there cannot be proof of God’s existence because life is a test. If God’s existence is proven, then everyone believes in God and passes the test. This would be like the professor giving the answers to the exam (this Islamic concept will be discussed later in this report). Instead of looking for proof that God exists, we must rather reflect about the world around us and the universe to derive to that conclusion. Through that reflection, it is concluded that it is possible that the universe had a creator. If it is possible and probable given the logical analysis of the universe and science, then belief in God is reasonable. Please view the following video to get a more extensive overview of the logical analysis of the dynamics of the universe:
Is belief in the spiritual realm reasonable: I define the spiritual realm as a realm of entities that we do not perceive to exist. Once we perceive something to exist, it is no longer in the spiritual realm. Dark matter, for example, was not very well known at one point in the human ignorance, therefore it was once spiritual. Given that definition, it is reasonable to conclude that there are things that could exist that are currently beyond the human perception such as God.
The extent of legitimacy in the belief of Islam will be measured through an analysis of the Characteristics of the Quran (Islamic holy book).
This paper is an analysis of Islam and the Quran. This report will provide an analytical breakdown of the Quranic disclosure of Islam’s disciplines, instructions and understandings of reality.
In order to respond to the Question of whether belief in Islam is reasonable, important Islamic concepts will be discussed and analyzed through Quranic exegesis and Islamic teachings will be compared to modern science and understanding.
For the sake of brevity and conciseness, this report will be an overview rather than an in-depth analysis of Islamic philosophy. It is important for the reader to recognize that Islamic philosophy is very complex and that we should seek further knowledge and enlightenment on any and all beliefs.
The Quran is the supreme authority in Islam as it carries the Islamic laws, creed and guidance. The Quran is believed to be of Divine origin and given to all of mankind through the Prophet Muhammad and it is the direct speech of the creator of the worlds--Allah. In order to determine whether belief in Islam is reasonable, an analysis Quranic exegesis will be performed.
Here is an example of the analytical approach on Quranic exegesis:
[Quran 31.27] And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.1
This Quranic verse brings forth many concepts simultaneously:
1.) It reveals Allah’s (God’s) omniscience in that an enormous supply of ink would not be able to reveal Allah’s knowledge to us.
2.) It teaches that the Quran is not a completely detailed scripture and that Allah has withheld knowledge from the Quran.
3.) It reveals that there is an immense wealth of knowledge left to be discovered
Analysis: The above Quranic verse has maintained multiple implications simultaneously. It asserts that the available knowledge is far too great to be addressed in the Quran, that Allah’s knowledge is immense and that the level of human ignorance is tremendous. Applying such concepts to reality is extremely relevant. Humanity has reached a wealth of knowledge in the world around us, but, we recognize that there is still plenty to learn!
Characteristics of the Quran:
The Quran is:
1.) Broad in explanatory scope and power
2.) Unique
3.) Multilayered
4.) Indirect/vague
5.) Timeless
6.) Scientifically accurate
7.) Historically preserved
The Quran has a broad explanatory scope and power:
Explanatory power is the effectiveness of a theory in its explanation of what it is designed to do27. Explanatory scope is the range of ideas in which a theory encompasses. The larger the explanatory power/scope, the more effective the theory is at explaining the subject. If X, Y and Z for example represent things in need of explaining and theory A explains X & Y effectively, but, theory B explains X,Y & Z more effectively, then theory B has more explanatory power and scope.
The Quran has a broad explanatory power and scope in its explanations of large philosophical questions such as:
-Physical existence
-Purpose of human life
-Previous religions before Islam
Physical existence: William Lane Craig, a well-known theist philosopher reports that “"The first question which should rightly be asked," wrote G.W.F. Leibniz, is " Why is there something rather than nothing?"1 This question does seem to possess a profound existential force, which has been felt by some of mankind's greatest thinkers. According to Aristotle, philosophy begins with a sense of wonder about the world, and the most profound question a man can ask concerns the origin of the universe.”
The question of why things exist seems to be an extremely important and relevant question when it comes to philosophy. The Quran describes that something exists rather than nothing because an intelligent, immaterial being decided to bring the universe and physical reality into existence.
[Quran 39:5] He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed..
Purpose of human life: The Quran has explicitly stated that the purpose of human life is a test of worship and obedience to the creator.
[Quran 76:2] Verily, We created man from a drop of mingled sperm so that We may test him;
[Quran 67:2] (Allah is he) Who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed.
[Quran 29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested?
[Quran 51:56] And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship/be obedient to Me.
Previous religions before Islam: The Quran describes that there had been many prophets before the prophet Muhammad and some of them were not included in the Quran.
[Quran 40:78] And certainly we sent messengers before you: there are some of them that we have mentioned to you and there are others whom we have not mentioned to you
Further, the Quran reminds us that all nations had received prophets giving the message:
[Quran 16:36] And we certainly sent into every nation a messenger
Also according to the Quran, previous scripture have been corrupted and lost and the previous message has been changed.
[Quran 2:79] So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
The following Quranic verse states that the previous people who were given the scripture (all nations), need to accept the original message that was originally contained in those scriptures-Islam:
[Quran 5:15] O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.
The Quran is Unique:
The Quran is neither poetic nor common-talk. The Quran contains poetic natures intertwined in the typical speech. The Quran is unlike any Arabic literature and it has been recognized by many scholars and Arabic linguistics.
Taha Husayn, a well-recognized Arabic Litterateur, describes the Quran’s uniqueness:
“But you know that the Qur’an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur’an, and it cannot be called by any other name but this. It is not verse, and that is clear; for it does not bind itself to the bonds of verse. And it is not prose, for it is bound by bonds peculiar to itself, not found elsewhere; some of the binds are related to the endings of its verses and some to that musical sound which is all its own. It is therefore neither verse nor prose, but it is “a Book whose verses have been perfected the expounded, from One Who is Wise, All-Aware.” We cannot therefore say its prose, and its text itself is not verse. It has been one of a kind, and nothing like it has ever preceded or followed it.”
The Quran is so unique that it claims itself to be inimitable.
(Note: Surah=Chapter And Jinn=Spiritual beings)
[Quran 2:23] And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof3
[Quran 10:38] Or do they say [about the Prophet], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
[Quran 17:88] Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."
In these verses the Quran challenges humans to generate a chapter like it. This reveals that the extent of the Quranic uniqueness is so large that it is inimitable. There are many resources and articles about the uniqueness of the Quran, for a more extensive review of the Quran’s unique nature please visit the following sites:
You can also view this from a logical-historical perspective. Hamilton Gibb, Author of Islam-A historical survey said:
“...the Meccans still demanded of him a miracle, and with remarkable boldness and self-confidence Mohammad appealed as a supreme confirmation of his mission to the Koran itself. Like all Arabs they were the connoisseurs of language and rhetoric. Well, then if the Koran were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not), then let them accept the Koran as an outstanding evident miracle”.
Skeptics say that the inimitability of the Quran is a subjective measure. Who gets to define if something is like the Quran?
The tools needed to imitate a Quranic chapter would be a finite set of grammatical rules, letters of the Arabic alphabet, Quranic sentence structure and flow as well as an imitation of the mathematical code and symmetries (will be discussed later) of the Quran. These are all objective measures which therefore ends the subjectivity argument against Quranic imitation.
Example of the Quran’s unique nature:
The following verse will be examined in detail to further reveal the Quran’s unique nature:
[Quran 2:255] Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
The linguistic and numerical features of this verse will be examined:
Linguistic Analysis: This verse has an amazing linguistic and poetic nature to it. The first sentence speaks about Allah’s attributes. The last sentence also speaks about Allah’s attributes. The first sentence is connected to the last sentence. The second sentence speaks about Allah never getting tired; the second to last sentence also speaks about never getting tired. The second sentence is correlated to the second to last sentence. The third sentence speaks about Allah owning everything in the universe while the third to last sentence speaks about Allah’s throne extending over the universe. The third sentence is correlated to the third to last sentence. The fourth sentence speaks about a general statement and its exception, and, the fourth to last sentence also gives a statement and its exception. The fourth sentence is correlated to the fourth to last sentence. What is even more interesting is that the middle sentence speaks about Allah knowing what is before them and what will be after them. This middle sentence is referring you to this symmetry in the Quran. This is an example of the Quran’s unique linguistic nature.
The Quran is neither poetic nor common-talk. The Quran contains poetic natures intertwined in the typical speech. The Quran is unlike any Arabic literature and it has been recognized by many scholars and Arabic linguistics.
Taha Husayn, a well-recognized Arabic Litterateur, describes the Quran’s uniqueness:
“But you know that the Qur’an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur’an, and it cannot be called by any other name but this. It is not verse, and that is clear; for it does not bind itself to the bonds of verse. And it is not prose, for it is bound by bonds peculiar to itself, not found elsewhere; some of the binds are related to the endings of its verses and some to that musical sound which is all its own. It is therefore neither verse nor prose, but it is “a Book whose verses have been perfected the expounded, from One Who is Wise, All-Aware.” We cannot therefore say its prose, and its text itself is not verse. It has been one of a kind, and nothing like it has ever preceded or followed it.”2
The Quran is so unique that it claims itself to be inimitable.
(Note: Surah=Chapter And Jinn=Spiritual beings)
[Quran 2:23] And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof3
[Quran 10:38] Or do they say [about the Prophet], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
[Quran 17:88] Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."
In these verses the Quran challenges humans to generate a chapter like it. This reveals that the extent of the Quranic uniqueness is so large that it is inimitable. There are many resources and articles about the uniqueness of the Quran, for a more extensive review of the Quran’s unique nature please visit the following sites:
You can also view this from a logical-historical perspective. Hamilton Gibb, Author of Islam-A historical survey said:
“...the Meccans still demanded of him a miracle, and with remarkable boldness and self-confidence Mohammad appealed as a supreme confirmation of his mission to the Koran itself. Like all Arabs they were the connoisseurs of language and rhetoric. Well, then if the Koran were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not), then let them accept the Koran as an outstanding evident miracle”.
Skeptics say that the inimitability of the Quran is a subjective measure. Who gets to define if something is like the Quran?
The tools needed to imitate a Quranic chapter would be a finite set of grammatical rules, letters of the Arabic alphabet, Quranic sentence structure and flow as well as an imitation of the mathematical code and symmetries (will be discussed later) of the Quran. These are all objective measures which therefore ends the subjectivity argument against Quranic imitation.
Example of the Quran’s unique nature:
The following verse will be examined in detail to further reveal the Quran’s unique nature:
[Quran 2:255] Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
The linguistic and numerical features of this verse will be examined:
Linguistic Analysis: This verse has an amazing linguistic and poetic nature to it. The first sentence speaks about Allah’s attributes. The last sentence also speaks about Allah’s attributes. The first sentence is connected to the last sentence. The second sentence speaks about Allah never getting tired; the second to last sentence also speaks about never getting tired. The second sentence is correlated to the second to last sentence. The third sentence speaks about Allah owning everything in the universe while the third to last sentence speaks about Allah’s throne extending over the universe. The third sentence is correlated to the third to last sentence. The fourth sentence speaks about a general statement and its exception, and, the fourth to last sentence also gives a statement and its exception. The fourth sentence is correlated to the fourth to last sentence. What is even more interesting is that the middle sentence speaks about Allah knowing what is before them and what will be after them. This middle sentence is referring you to this symmetry in the Quran. This is an example of the Quran’s unique linguistic nature.
Please watch the following video for a clearer understanding of the features of this verse:
Numeric Analysis:
The following figure is taken from, and it is a depiction of the Quran chapter 2 verse 255. Please refer to that link for a more detailed description of the currently known Quranic code7.
In this verse displayed in the above figure, you notice that Quran 2:255 is a very large verse. The Quran begins every chapter with a statement known as the ‘basmala’. It translates as is “In the name of Allah-the beneficent, the merciful”. In this figure, the letters of the basmala are counted in this verse and put in a sequence. This sequence happens to be equally divisible by 7 as many other linguistically connected verses have been discovered to be. For a more detailed evaluation, please refer to the link above!
Conclusion: This Quranic verse is very unique in its linguistic nature and its numerical nature. This numeric nature of this verse is applied to a certain pattern that fits within the Quran. This verse fits in a pattern in which features of different verses are divisible by 7.
According to many studies of the Quran, scholars and mathematicians have found various numerical consistencies within the Quran7. Many of these numerical consistencies involve Quranic symmetry, the number 7 and the number 19. In the numerical analysis of Quran 2:255, we discover that it fits within the Quranic pattern. There are many verses that are being discovered on a daily basis and they further keep revealing to us a hidden code in the Quran. Currently, the code is not fully complete in its understanding, but we are slowly arriving at getting a more comprehensive understanding. Please refer to the following links to read about these numerical code and consistencies in the Quran: This book reveals the semantically connected verses with numerical connections to the divisibility of the number 7. This website reveals many aspects of the number 19 code of the Quran : This book (which can be downloaded at the site), shows the unique symmetry of the order of the odd and even chapter numbers and verse numbers.
There are many things such as these in the Quran that have just been recently discovered. This unique mathematical nature of this Quranic verse was not mentioned in any previous source in history. From this, we can safely conclude that it has not been known to people in the past. If we do not have the knowledge of everything and we have not yet discovered all of the mathematical and linguistic patterns in the Quran, how can we reproduce it? It must logically follow that the verses speaking about the Quran’s inimitability (mentioned above) are objective, legitimate and factual. Since the Quran is inimitable, it must logically follow that it is a unique book.
Why is the Quran made to be unique with a complex linguistic and mathematical structure?
1.) To reveal a piece of evidence that the Quran is truly from God
2.) To reveal the complex nature of Allah’s creations/work
The Quran is Multilayered:The Quran achieves multiple different translations in the same verse. The Arabic language is so rich and that allow the Quran to achieve valid multiple meanings in a singular statement. Many examples of this can be derived from the Quran:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.7
This verse informs us that the creation of the universe involved strength/might/power and that the universe is expanding. There is a much deeper multi-layered meaning into that verse. The word for “expander” has 3 different meanings and they are all accurate and valid. It is important to note that “expander” in its Arabic form is an active participle which means it is a constant process.
Other meanings for the Arabic word for “expander”8:
1.) “Constantly encompassing”
2.) Provider
3.) Expander
Applying the first translation:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are constantly encompassing it
The above translation is true. Allah is constantly encompassing the Universe. Other Quranic verses also allude to that fact.
Applying the second translation:
[Quran 51:47] And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] provider
The above translation is also accurate. By creating a self-sustaining universe and decreeing natural law, Allah is the provider of the Universe’s sustenance.
Applying the third translation:
[Quran 51:47] And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] expander
The above translation is also accurate. Recently, it has been brought to our understanding that the universe formed in a large explosion and is still expanding. This makes this translation also accurate in its meaning.
For a detailed Arabic analysis of this verse please watch:
This verse also presents another example of how the Quran maintains multi-layered meanings:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was a clinging clot, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]9
The word for “clinging clot” can also be translated in 3 different ways10, generally it refers to things that stick of cling:
1.) Blood clot like
2.) Leech-like
3.) Clinging substance
Applying the first translation
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was blood clot-like, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
There is a period in the Embryo’s existence in which it has a cardiovascular system without circulating blood. Within that same period that Embryo appears to look like a blood-clot.
Applying the second translation:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was leech-like, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
The following figure shows a comparison of a leech to a developing human embryo:
Applying the third translation:
[Quran 75:37-38] Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted? Then he was a clinging substance, and [Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
The Embryo literally clings:
For a quick description of this concept please watch the following video:
Conclusion: The preceding two examples demonstrate that the Quran uses a language rich in meanings which makes it very multi-layered in its interpretations. Many different and seemingly contradictory statements can be and are true at the same time in accordance with the Quran.
Why was the Quran made to be multilayered? The Quran maintains its nature of having multiple valid translations for the same phenomena:
1.) So that it could give a large amount of information in as little words as possible
2.) So that it further shows how it is of an extremely intelligent origin
3.) So that it supports multiple beliefs simultaneously and remains timeless (will be explained in detail in the next feature of the Quran)
The Quran is Indirect and Vague
It is a very well-known feature that the Quran is both indirect and Vague. The Quran doesn’t give you direct answers to big questions especially the large philosophical questions. The Quran itself claims to have elements of vagueness within it:
[Quran 3:7] It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific.12
The specific verses deal with the commandments and the laws that humans are to do, the non-specific verses usually deal with natural phenomena. Just by reading the Quran, its vague nature radiates and it really ends up confusing you. You are left to understand the Quran by relating verses of the Quran to each other and deriving the message that it is trying to give.
Why is the Quran vague? Why doesn’t the Quran give you direct answers to big questions? There are extremely important reasons for the Quranic vagueness:
1.) So that the Quran can remain timeless and not contradict both previous beliefs and modern beliefs (will be discussed soon)
2.) So that the Quran is sufficient in providing evidence for God for those whose hearts are open, but, sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel those whose hearts are closed.
The first point:
This will be discussed in more detail later. The general Idea is that it would be illogical to expect the Quran to give you direct answers to the world because if it did, it would contradict the beliefs of those who lived in the 7th century. For example, the common belief at that time is that the Earth was flat. If the Quran had told them that the Earth was actually round, they would have ridiculed the Quran because according to their observations the Earth is clearly flat. If the Quran had told them that the Earth is flat, it would have supported their beliefs, but it would contradict our beliefs. So it is a requirement for the Quran to be vague enough in its natural descriptions so that it doesn’t contradict both 7th century belief and modern belief.
The second point:
If the Quran had simply given you the answers to everything and it detailed extensively everything in creation, then it would become proof that God exists and God authored the Quran. Life is a test, if Allah proves himself to you, then it would be like the professor giving you proof of his existence. (The following is taken from my blog @
The Quran must be clear so that it compels those whose hearts are open, but it must be sufficiently vague so it doesn't compel those whose hearts are closed (or unwilling to believe).
It is absolutely important to note that there is no full complete physical proof of Allah's existence. This is because there cannot be proof of Allah’s existence.
Life is like a multiple choice exam. If you pick the wrong choices throughout the exam, you will be punished. If you pick the right choices throughout the exam, you will be rewarded! The exam is going to be very difficult and it will have many tricks in it to test you. If the Quran or the universe were presented with clear, 100% proof of certainty in God's existence, then everyone believes in the Quran and in God. It would be like the professor decides to give you the answers to the exam. The whole point of your existence is to not have 100% proof of certainty that Allah exists.
What is necessary to pass the test?
1.) Belief in God and the oneness thereof
2.) Belief that God's final revelation onto mankind is the Quran
3.) Adhering to the laws and duties put forth by the Quran
You must believe in God and you must believe the Quran is the word of God. That is how you pass the test. Allah will not give you proof of his existence neither will he give you complete proof that the Quran is from him, because if he had done so, it would violate your purpose in life. (Note: The third necessary item to pass this test requires that you believe in God and the Quran being his word).
A good professor is one that does not give you the answers to the exam, rather, the professor provides you with the tools and information and lets you analyze, interpret and apply that information to reach a conclusion on the exam question! If the professor were to give you the answers to the exam, it would violate the purpose of the exam. If Allah were to give you proof of his existence it would violate your purpose in life-to worship Allah without proof of his existence. Instead, he gives signs and hints that point to his existence!
Therefore it must logically follow that those signs and hints must not clearly prove with complete certainty the existence of Allah or that the Quran is from him, rather they must hint at the existence of God and the Quran. And those signs and hints, must therefore be sufficient to that it compels those whose hearts are open, but they must be sufficiently vague so they doesn't compel those whose hearts are unwilling.
Quranic Analysis Corresponding to this second point:
The purpose of human life is to get tested:
[Quran 76:2] Verily, We created man from a drop of mingled sperm so that We may test him; 13
[Quran 67:2] (Allah is he) Who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed.14
[Quran 29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested?15
We are created so that we get tested and to see how well we would be obedient to Allah:
[Quran 51:56] And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship/be obedient to Me.16
Out of all of Allah's creations, we were created with the purpose to worship Allah (other creatures may have different purposes). So if the purpose of our creation is to be tested, and Allah proves his existence to everyone: Then everyone passes the test. Again, It would be like a college professor giving you the answers to the exam--What's the point of the exam?
Further, the Quran highlights how people were asking the prophet for proof of God and Allah has refused. Instead, Allah points the disbelievers at a sign and asks them to reflect:
[Quran 26:3] Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.17
[Quran 26:4] If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their necks would be forced to bow
[Quran 26:5] And no revelation/signs comes to them anew from the Most Merciful except that they turn away from it.
[Quran 26:6] For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
[Quran 26:7] Did they not look at the earth - how much we have produced therein from every noble kind?
[Quran 26:8] Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers
The preceding verses display a case in which Allah reassures the prophet Muhammad to stop grieving because people disbelieve. Allah could have sent a strong piece of evidence or proof of his existence, but Allah says that he only sends signs and that those signs are not meant to make everyone believe and worship Allah. Then Allah points them to a sign of his existence-not complete proof.
The signs are there for those who think, ponder and wish to surrender to such a formidable force. While those who do not wish to obey, they are given their excuses to keep themselves aloof a satisfaction in their beliefs. Notice how the Quran is also vague and indirect on this topic. The Quran didn't directly specify why Allah refuses to give us proof he exists and only give us signs of his existence. The Quran lets the reader apply and interpret this information to reach a conclusion (remember, life is a test-an intellectual journey). A good professor does not give you the direct information needed to pass the exam, rather, he gives you bits and pieces of different information and allows you to analyze and interpret that information to reach a conclusion in the thought provoking exam question. If Allah were to directly give you his reason as to why he refuses to give proof of himself, then it would the test easy for humans. The test is not designed to be easy. Allah allows those who are sincerely searching for truth to interpret, apply and analyze this information in the Quran to reach a reasonable conclusion. Allah also simultaneously allows those who are arrogant, intellectually dishonest or not looking for truth to have their excuses and reasons to reject Allah and the Quran. This is also analogous to how a professor designs the exam (with the right difficulty) so that it allows those who studied well in getting the right answers and simultaneously allows those who didn't study well in getting the wrong answers to the thought-provoking questions.
Edkip Yuksel has stated18: “In order for any test to be valid, the receiver of the test must have the option of different choices. If the receiver had no choice there would be no test. The choice of the receiver determines his success or failure in the test that has been set. As an example, suppose you would like to test your 6 year old son and see whether he will obey you or not. You take him to his room and ask him not to leave the room. You leave the door open so he is given the choice whether to obey you and stay, or to disobey you and leave the room. The fact that you have given him two choices: the good (obey you), and the bad (disobey you) means that there was indeed a valid test. Now let us suppose you have done the same as above but this time you locked the door. In this case your son does not have the option of disobeying you. You come back after one hour and find him still inside the room, but this time, was he really tested? The answer is no, because your son had no option of disobeying you, and thus he had no choice. When we import this logic to the multi-meaning verses in the Quran, we find that among various other ways God has tested us, one test is by deliberately including the multi-meaning verses in the Quran”
In 3:7 we read:
[Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who have perversity in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning.12
The ones who are honest are those who apply the Quranic verses to reach a reasonable conclusion, and then there are the ones whose hearts are perverse will abuse these multi-meaning verses to create confusion. Therefore, the verses in the Quran are a deliberate test set by God. God doesn’t give you direct answers because he expects us to find such answers through the Quran and a reflection of reality. That is how we pass this test!
For a more detailed explanation of this Quranic concept please watch my video that I have made earlier:
Conclusion: The Quran states that Allah refuses to give proof of his existence; rather, he wants humans to reflect upon the signs he has given to choose whether or not to worship Allah. In which case, it would be required, In order to maintain the structure of the test, for the signs to be clear so that it compels those whose hearts are open, but they must be sufficiently vague so it doesn't compel those whose hearts are closed (or unwilling to believe). A good analogy would be a professor giving you hints and information on the exam that don't reveal the answer to the exam for those who didn't study, but sufficiently guides those who truly studied in getting the right answer.
Note: It is important to understand the qualities of the test. This test is not meant to add knowledge to Allah.
Al-Islam reports: ...“The test which we are to undergo is not meant to add to the knowledge of God. Although God knows everything, it still is necessary that all men and women be put to test so that the true form of God's justice and mercy may emerge on the Day of Judge¬ment. If God were to send all persons to Paradise or Hell according to His own knowledge without put¬ting them to test for their beliefs and deeds, then those sent to Hell could rightly complain that why were they being punished without any sin on their part while others enjoyed bliss of Paradise without any good deed in their credit? So in order to uphold the principle of justice and fairness, it was necessary for God to test all persons before sending them to Hell or Paradise.”21
The Quran is Timeless
The Quran is meant for all times and places. The Quran supports 7th century belief and modern belief simultaneously without contradicting either belief.
Analysis of the Quran’s timelessness:
It was stated earlier that the Quran doesn’t give direct answers to questions, rather, it allows the reader to interpret the indirect Quran in light of other Quranic verses and to reach a conclusion. The Quran did not directly tell you it was timeless. Its timeless nature should be the conclusion that follows from an interpretation of the Quran.
According to the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet for humans.
[Quran 33:40] Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.22
If the prophet Muhammad was the final prophet for humans, then no more prophets would be coming.
Further the Quran reveals that prophets come down with scripture:
[Quran 2:213] Mankind was one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the Scripture..23
If the prophet Muhammad was the last prophet, then he is the last one who comes down with scripture. This means that no new scripture will come. It must follow then, that the Quran is timeless as it must be relevant to the people at the Prophet Muhammad’s time and it must be relevant to modern times.
The Quran claims to be timeless, but, is the Quran timeless? The dynamics of the Quran and some examples will be discussed to reveal the Quranic timelessness.
The mechanism of the Quran’s timeless nature:
The Quran maintains its timeless nature by verse applicability. For example, there are verses that address only the prophet Muhammad, there are verses that address only men, there are verses that address only women, and there are verses that address people of the future. This allows the Quran to be relevant to everyone. There are certain laws that women follow that men don’t and vice-versa.
This is an example of a verse that was not applicable to the prophet himself, but it is applicable to the people of the future:
[Quran 55:33] O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through..24
The above verse is a direct commandment to us in modern times to travel through space. This verse was not applicable to the Prophet Muhammad himself, but it is applicable to us now.
The Quran maintains this timeless and universal nature through giving out multiple verses with varying applicability so that it is relevant for all humans at all times and places.
Timeless interpretations of the Quran:
It has been described earlier that the Quran must be vague for two reasons. One that has been discussed in detail earlier is that it must not provide complete certainty in the existence of God. The other reason is that the Quran must support 7th century belief and modern belief without contradicting either belief. This is a requirement because the Quran is timeless. But, does the Quran live up to that requirement?
The short answer is yes. The Quran’s vagueness gives it its ability to be timeless. Here is an example:
[Quran 21:33] And He it is who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.25
Imagine this verse has said that they are in an orbit floating around the earth. This would be a case in which the Quran supports 7th century belief but contradicts modern belief. Those words were conveniently not placed there so that the Quran maintains its timeless nature.
Does this verse support 7th century belief that the Sun and the Moon travel around the Earth: Yes
Does this verse support modern belief that the Sun and the Moon are each traveling in an orbit: Yes
The Sun definitely travels in an orbit26. You will find many examples like this throughout the Quran. Certain words were avoided so that the Quran maintains its timeless nature! The mechanism the Quran does this is through vagueness and word avoidance!
Also notice how the Quran allows room for those who are unwilling to accept Islam to have their reasons to reject Islam. People may say that the author of the Quran did not know that the Earth has an orbit because the Quran didn’t explicitly state it. The response to that claim is that if the Quran has stated that the Earth has an orbit around the sun, it would contradict 7th century belief and they wouldn’t be compelled in accepting Islam. It’s a requirement for the Quran to maintain vagueness so that it becomes timeless. To some this is a strong piece of evidence that the Quran has a divine origin, to others this is just the Quran displaying its ignorance. This further alludes to the point previously made that the Quran must have sufficient evidence to compel those whose hearts are open but they must be sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel those whose hearts are closed.
Conclusion: In order for the Quran to be the last message to Mankind, it is a requirement for the Quran to be timeless. The Quran lives up to that requirement by ranging its applicability to people of the past and future through allowing vagueness in its verses so that it doesn’t contradict 7th century belief and modern belief.
The Quran is Scientifically Accurate:
Through analysis of Quranic verses, you can conclude that the Quran’s statements are very accurate scientifically. It is although, important to note that the Quran is not a science book, it is a spiritual guide that gives you signs that it is from Allah.
It has been discussed previously that the Quran is vague and this vagueness allows for the Quran’s timelessness and to sustain the purpose of human existence. It must be restated that the Quran does not give direct answers rather, its answers are scattered throughout the unique text. This means that to gain an understanding of the Quran’s overall message, verses need to be interpreted in light of other verses. This also means that the Quranic scientific statements remain vague and leaves room for ambiguity.
For the sake of brevity, we will only discuss 2 major scientific discoveries that were very recent:
1.) Aspects of the universe (origin and age)
2.) Biological Evolution
Quran on the origin universe:
We have discussed earlier that the Quran says that the universe was created with a large amount of strength and it is constantly getting expanded:
[Quran 51:47]And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.7
The Quran also states that Earth and the Universe were of one connected entity and was separated:
[Quran 21:30] Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?36
What is interesting about this verse is that it complements Quran 51:47 and it is presented in rhetorical form. It is speaking to those who disbelieve in Islam in modern times. The Quran is asking you: “Haven’t you considered that the universe was once a singular entity and we separated that entity and made from a liquid every living thing? Will you then still not believe in the divine origin of the Quran?”
These verses refer to many concepts, that the universe’s creation involved strength/power, the universe is expanding, before the state of expansion the earth and the rest of the universe existed in a singular entity which was separated to form the universe and that every living thing in the universe is then made from a liquid/flowing substance.
These concepts seem to be obvious correlates to the modern understandings of cosmology and biology. The universe began to exist through an event known as the big bang37. Previous to the explosion, the universe was in a singularity—a primordial fireball38. Then through power/strength, the universe expands!
The Quran also asserts that all life is formed from liquid/water. This is a well-recognized scientific concept that all life requires a liquid/water39
The Quran on the age of the universe:
The Quran asserts that the universe in its current form has been created in 6 periods:
[Quran 7:54] Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six periods45
The Quran also asserts that the Earth in its current form has been in existence for 2 periods:
[Quran 41:9] Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two periods46
The Quran makes it clear elsewhere that the periods discussed refer to the periods of existence:
[Quran 50:38] And indeed we created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six periods 47
When the Quran says that Allah created the Universe and the Earth and Everything in between them (including humans) in six days this means that the Quran is referring to the period of existence. That means that in the distant future, the Quran would say that Allah created the universe and the earth and all that is between them (what will become between them) in 7, or 8, or 9 periods and so on.
At the time of the Quranic revelation (everything in between of the universe and earth), the universe has existed for 6 periods. And the Earth (which is contained in the universe) has existed for 2 periods out of the 6. This makes the Earth to be 2/6th (1/3rd ) the age of the universe.
Modern cosmology estimates that the universe is 13.7 billion years old and that the Earth is 4.54 billion years old. 4.54/13.7 is roughly 1/3rd. So according to modern cosmology the Earth should be roughly 1/3rd the age of the universe. This cosmological finding complements the Quran and therefore makes the Quran scientifically accurate in its rough revelation on the relative age of the Earth and the Universe.
Quran on Evolution:
In modern times, evolution seems to be a hot topic when it comes to religions. Religion has been so misunderstood to deny evolution. The Quran does not at all contradict evolution and as will be shown, it even supports the basic concept of evolution!
Firstly, the Quran asserts that humans have not existed in the universe for a long period of time:
[Quran 76:1] Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned? 48
This informs us that the time of existence of humans is insignificant with respect to everything else. This is in line with the modern understanding of evolution. Humans have not existed for a long time according to history and the fossil record. The NHM reports that “It is estimated that the first members of the human family (hominins) lived in Africa about 6 or 7 million years ago. “40 7 million years is very insignificant compared to 13.7 billion years of the universe’s existence or 4.54 of the Earth’s!
[Quran 35:1] [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.49
This verse asserts that Allah increases the complexity of creatures. This verse points us to an example of how Allah adds ‘wings’ to the angels however he pleases. It is important to note that ‘wings’ is probably metaphorical as it refers to a thing needed to fly. The basic idea in this verse is that Allah increases or adds complexity to his creations as he wills. One can ask the question, why did the Quran mention this and what point is the Quran trying to make? The point this verse is trying to make is clear, Allah creations go through a process of increasing in complexity. Further, the title of that chapter is “The Originator”. This further brings you to an understanding that Allah originates creation and increases complexity to creation. This is in line with the basic idea of the evolution of life. Life on earth originated and gained complexity.
[Quran 29:20] Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the Earth and observe how He began creation”52
Quran 29:20 issues a direct commandment that humans should travel through the earth and observe how Allah began creation. This verse implies that by travelling through the Earth, you would see the mechanism of creation! Darwin has unknowingly followed that commandment and has discovered how creation began, from his travels he published a revolutionary book titled “The Origin of Species”.
[Quran 64:3] ..He designed you then made your design better..53
[Quran 40:64]..Formed you then made your forms better..54
[Quran 7:11] And we have certainly created you, [O Mankind], then given you [human] form.55
Again, the context of the above verses show that humans were designed in one form and that form was then improved upon. This again coincides with biological evolution.
[Quran 2:30] "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." 56
This verse is referring to humans as the context of the verse displays. The question here arises, who are humans succeeding on Earth? This coincides with the fact that we, humans, succeeded the early hominids on Earth! Another Quranic verse further reveals this:
[Quran 10:13-14] And we had already destroyed generations before you when they wronged, and their messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe. Thus do we recompense the criminal people. Then we made you successors in the Earth after them so that We may observe how you will do.57
The previous 2 verses make it clear that humans succeeded generations that were before us. The following verse informs us that they were non-human:
[Quran 6.133] If He wills, he can do away with you (o mankind) and give succession after you to WHATEVER He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people. 58
Many translators have translated the Arabic word for “whatever” as “whomever”. They, unfortunately added their own understanding to a verse. The Quran specifically uses the word "Whatever" or "What" ("ma" in Arabic ما). This Arabic word "ma" does refer to humans; this word is strictly reserved for non-humans (the Arabic word that does refer to humans is "men من", meaning "who" or "whoever" but it was not used here). 41, 42
[Quran 32:7-9] Who made better everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained. Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.59
The preceding verse seems to be a highlight of the major evolutionary steps and it uses a sequential conjunction to illustrate its purpose. Creation began from a basic earth like substance (clay), then after the initiation of creation, sexual reproduction develops and then after that higher intelligence forms. This verse specifically says that our posterity was made from an extract of a liquid disdained, this implies that after the initiation of creation of man from the Earth, the ability to sexually reproduce formed. After sexual reproduction formed, higher intelligence develops. Evolutionary, we can say that life formed from the Earth (or what became to be the earth). Their mode of reproduction was asexual. Then sexual reproduction occurred which allowed for more variation and more complexity in organisms. Through sexual reproduction, more variation occurred which allowed extremely complex multicellular organisms capable of thought, like humans to develop. This Quranic verse appears to highlight such a phenomenon by stating that creation started out of the Earth, then sexual reproduction developed, then humans formed.
The following two verses make it clear that the humans were created progressively and involving many diverse stages:
[Quran 71:17] And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth.50
[Quran 71:14] Allah created you in diverse stages51
It is important to note that there are many other verses in the Quran that allude to the basic idea of evolution, for the sake of brevity, only the major ones were displayed. Please visit this link to view more:
Historical perspective on Islamic Evolution:
Sir William Draper was one of Darwin’s contemporary. He referred to biological evolution as the “Mohammadean theory of evolution”. He says: ““[Christian] theological authorities were therefore constrained to look with disfavor on any attempt to carry back the origin of the earth to an epoch indefinitely remote, and on the Muhammadan theory of evolution which declared that human beings developed over a long period of time from lower forms of life to the present condition.” “Sometimes, not without surprise, we meet the ideas with which we flatter ourselves with having originated our own times. Thus our modern doctrine of evolution and development were taught their [Muslim] schools. In fact they carried them much farther than we are disposed to do, extending them even inorganic and minerals.”43
Further Edkip Yuksel, a famous Islamic reformist says: “Muslim scientists and philosophers of the medieval period had no qualms in accepting evolution as a divine system for creation. For instance, the prominent Muslim polymath, philosopher and sociologist Ibni Khaldun (1332-1406), after a paragraph about the origin of human species, reminds the reader with a verse describing the deterministic nature of God’s system: “You will never find a change in God’s system.” In his famous book Muqaddimah, Ibni Khaldun proposes a theory of evolution starting from minerals. Minerals, according to Ibn Khaldun, evolve and become seeded and seedless plants. Plants evolve and reach to their zenith with palm trees and vines. The evolution continues with snails and shelled sea animals. The diversification in animal kingdom reaches the zenith of creation by gradual evolution into human beings with consciousness and thinking skills. According to Ibn Khaldun, monkeys are the link between animals and the first stage of humanity. Ibn Khaldun presents the theory of evolution by using scientific language, arguing that the essence of creation (in modern terminology: genetic code) passes through various changes (mutations) generating one species after another”43
Conclusion: The basic idea of evolution in which humans were created in stages is a Quranic concept displayed through a plethora of verses. The Quranic descriptions of the cosmological origin of the universe as well as the relative age of the universe are also in line with modern scientific understanding. The Quran therefore maintains a scientifically accurate state. There are many other scientifically relevant features of the Quran that further prove this point.
The Quran is historically preserved:
The Quran has been recognized as being preserved. The Quran that we have today would be the same Quran that the prophet Muhammad had in the 7th century. Quranic manuscripts exist that date back the date of the prophet Muhammad. 44
A comprehensive study was done in the evaluation of the Quran’s historical preservation. The published book is titled: “History of the Quranic text: From revelation to compilation”. Please refer to that book and view an online base on the various Quran manuscripts.
Does it make belief in Islam reasonable?
The Quran has displayed its amazingly unique characteristics that make it a valid theory that it is from God. The Quran answers the questions in its broad explanatory scope/power as to the purpose of life, the purpose of existence, and how the pervious religions that came before Islam were all from the same source and origin and therefore religions seem to display similarity in each other. Further the Quran addresses why there is no proof of God, which seems to be a relevant topic. If there was a God, then God is hiding his tracks in nature so we don’t discover his existence—The Quran alludes to this extremely important point. The fact that the Quran explained why there isn’t proof of God and how God only sends signs and tests humans to see if they accept them or not, makes the Islamic philosophy irrefutable. You can’t logically go against this argument and you cannot disprove it. This statement justifies why the Quran is vague and why science cannot prove the existence of God. These are extremely important questions that lead you to believe or disbelieve in God. This characteristic of the Quran makes belief in Islam reasonable! The Quran has maintained large explanatory scope and has explained an extremely important question as to why there is no proof of God. The Quran’s timeless nature tells us that the author of the Quran knew about both beliefs of the 7th century and modern times so the author avoided certain words to avoid contradicting either belief. This further makes the belief in Islam reasonable! With regards to the Quran’s uniqueness and inimitability, the Quran challenges people to produce a book like it. This is an extremely remarkable challenge as the Quran had just stated that it is unique. Muslims have discovered further that the Quran appears to follow a mathematical code and this is a work in progress. If the Quran fits through certain patterns and we have not discovered the patterns, then the Quran is unique and inimitable. The uniqueness of the Quran does indeed make belief in Islam reasonable, because when you think of it, how did a man write a book like this? Either he possessed some extreme intelligence and had time on his hands or that it is from God. The prophet Muhammad is reported to be illiterate and he hasn’t received an education. For someone who didn’t go to school, the Quran is an extremely remarkable piece of work that is still being respected today! Further, the Quran’s multi-layered meanings signify the author’s intelligence and points to the fact that God could have authored it. The scientific accuracy and the Quran’s timelessness is an extremely strong indicator that the author of the Quran understood scientific phenomena and through that knowledge kept the Quran timeless by avoiding certain words so that 7th century belief and modern belief don’t get contradicted. The historical accuracy of the Quran also brings forth the concept that God’s final revelation must stay the same throughout all future ages. There is only ONE version of the Quran, but multiple different translations. These characteristics of the Quran are strong indicators that the Quran is from God thus rendering belief in Islam reasonable.
Responding to the claim that the Characteristics of the Quran do not make belief in Islam reasonable:
Anti-Islamic claim: The claim that all other religions have corrupted scripture is a conspiracy theory and is unlikely
Islamic claim: From a logical-historical perspective, we do know that scriptures do get corrupted and have been corrupted in the past. We do know that in the past, there weren’t as many literate people. Also, we know that the efficient method of printing did not exist in the past, so it would make sense that previous scriptures have been corrupted. From an empirical perspective, the NIV of the bible removes verses from the bible in which they think are additions or corruptions35 This does not in any way prove that the bible is corrupted, but it proves that it has gone through mistakes and phases where it has lost pieces of its true text. This coincides with the Islamic belief
Anti-Islamic claim: The uniqueness of the Quran is not anything special. The mathematical numerology of the Quran is not a perfect science and is still being developed so it cannot be used to vouch for the uniqueness of the Quran yet.
Islamic claim: Although the numerological pattern in the Quran has recently been discovered and is currently being investigated, it is not an assumption that the Quran does not have a numerological pattern. The Quran does fit in a pattern as discovered by those the numerological consistencies we have today. If the Quran fits through a certain pattern and we do yet know the entire patter, then the Quran is inimitable. If the Quran is inimitable, it must follow that it is unique.
Anti-Islamic claim: The Quran’s multi-layered meanings, vagueness and timeless do not prove it is from God
Islamic claim: Of course it doesn’t! Nothing can prove the existence of God and the Quran makes that clear! All cases in the Quranic verses word verses precisely through multilayered meanings and sufficient vagueness so that the Quran remains timeless. This means that the author of the Quran understood both beliefs and deliberately worded the Quran in a vague and multi-layered way to achieve its timelessness. As I said earlier, there cannot be anything in Islam that proves with complete certainty it is from Allah. Rather, there is sufficient evidence to make it more likely that it is from Allah. This is an extremely important point as it is important to recognize that the expectation for Islam to prove Allah’s existence is logically incoherent when it comes to Islamic philosophy. Through inquiry and reflection, you would come to the conclusion that it is probable that Islam is from God, but never to the conclusion that Islam is certainly from God. The fact that the Quran can live up to its requirement of vagueness through providing a lack of proof and remaining timeless is something extremely interesting and it further makes Islam a legitimate and reasonable belief.
Anti-Islamic claim: The Quran’s scientific accuracy doesn’t prove that it is from God
Islamic claim: As mentioned earlier, there cannot be proof of God in anything. The Quran maintains an immense scientific accuracy when it comes to revolutionary points. From this understanding, it could be derived that the belief in Islam is reasonable. The application of the understanding of the Quran’s requirement to be timeless and ambiguous answers the question as to why the Quran isn’t direct in its scientific points. This therefore leads to the conclusion that it is probable that the Quran is from God rather than it is from God with complete certainty!
With respect to the Quranic support for the big bang:
It is important to note that there is still room for ambiguity in those verses. This is a requirement in Islam as detailed Earlier--the Quran cannot be proof of Allah’s existence. This can be viewed from a logical perspective, if those verses proved that the Quran is from God, then everyone who reads those verses should have become a Muslim. This obviously didn’t happen so it must follow that these verses are not completely proof that the Quran is divine. On a more detailed note Quran 51:47 (as discussed earlier) has 3 different translations for the word “expander”. Those who are unwilling to accept Islam would have their reason to reject this verse. It was just nothing more than an appeal to an alternate translation. Quran 21:30 is worded awkwardly and although it does state that the universe and the Earth were connected and then separated, it is not a clear representation of the big bang. Also the creation of everything from water isn’t really something very miraculous. It is a simple observation. All animals drink water and all plants drink water. This is an example of how the Quran allows those are unwilling to keep their reasons to stay non-Muslim. This is what makes life a test. You are supposed to determine whether it is probable that the Quran is from God, these verses simply aid at that rather than prove the existence of God.
With respect to the Quranic support for the age of the universe:
As discussed earlier, the Quran cannot prove the existence of God. Although this is a very compelling point that brings you to assert that the author of the Quran is probably not human, it is required in the Quran that there is some ambiguity. The word translated for ‘periods’ is also translated as ‘days’. This gives those are unwilling to accept Islam a reason to think that the Quran is literal 6 day creationism. And as far as getting the proportion right (1/3rd), “a stopped clock is right twice a day, It was just a coincidence. It is just nonsense being extracted to correlate with scientific facts”. Further the skeptic would say “Why didn’t the Quran just simply say the universe is 13.7 billion years old and the Earth is 4.57 billion years old?”. The answer to that claim is three-fold. First, we have discussed earlier that the Quran must maintain ambiguity so that it doesn’t prove to everyone it is from God. If the Quran had explicitly stated that and it was discovered to be true, then everyone would be compelled in believing in Islam! Secondly, it has been discussed earlier that the Quran must be timeless and not contradict 7th century belief. 13.7 billion Years is an extremely incomprehensible number, the people at the time of the prophet would ridicule him. Thirdly, what if humans made a somewhat different calculation that the universe is actually 15.2 billion years old? Then if the Quran had said that it is13.7, then everyone leaves Islam. So by giving basic rough ages of the universe and the Earth, the Quran has maintained its required ambiguity and timelessness. All in all, these verses simply lead you to assert that the existence of God is probable, but, do not lead you to assert with complete certainty that God exists. This is a repetition of an extremely important point that the Quran must be sufficient in compelling those who are pure in heart and sufficiently vague so that it doesn’t compel everyone.
With respect to the Quranic support for evolution:
The Quran is again indirect in its description of the origin and evolution of mankind. This is also so that the Quran can maintain its ambiguity and timelessness. It wouldn’t be befitting for the prophet Muhammad to state that “humans descended from apes”. The prophet would have been ridiculed at his time. The Quran must also maintain a level of ambiguity in the sense that those who are unwilling to accept its divine origin can have an excuse to reject its evolutionary points.